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Day: February 15, 2019

Should employers care when their workers are in financial distress?

So, back to our question. What happens when an employee doesn’t have an emergency savings? In one such case, out of desperation, the employee stole from their employer. This very real scenario resulted in the formation of FinFit’s financial wellness solution. David Kilby, president of FinFit, knew there must be a better way to support employees. Kilby, answers the question, “Should employers care when their workers are in financial distress?”, during a recent Data Drivers podcast with podcast...

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Why Do We Work?

Ask most people why they work, and you’ll hear, “For the money.” While that’s probably true on one level, ‘working’ is a complex activity that consumes most adult humans for a good part of their day, and their life. About one-third of workers are ‘actively engaged.’ Let’s start with the big picture. About 125.97 million Americans were working full-time in 2017. About 13 million adults of working age were unemployed. According to figures from the Gallup organization, about one-third of workers...

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