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5 of life’s major milestones to start preparing for

Embarking on a financial planning journey might feel like navigating through a dense fog, but laying out a roadmap early is essential for achieving those pivotal life milestones we often dream about.

While everyone’s vision for their life’s journey is unique, several key milestones tend to be universal goals. FinFit is here to light the path to these financial landmarks, providing practical advice and tools every step of the way.

1. Unlocking the Door to Your First Home

The dream of home ownership is common, yet the financial hurdles, like saving for a deposit, can appear daunting. Thankfully, with a robust credit history, first-time buyers might qualify for loans requiring as little as a 5% down payment. But it’s crucial to also squirrel away funds for closing costs. FinFit offers resources to help navigate state-specific homebuyer programs, ensuring you’re well-prepared to take this significant step.

2. Merging Finances with a Significant Other

Combining lives often means combining finances, whether through marriage or a long-term partnership. Understanding each other’s financial philosophies is crucial, as is deciding whether to merge finances fully, maintain some independence, or find a happy medium. Regular, open discussions about finances can strengthen your relationship and prevent misunderstandings. FinFit encourages clear communication and provides tools for managing joint financial goals effectively.

3. Embarking on the Journey of Parenthood

Welcoming a new family member is an adventure, bringing immense joy along with significant financial responsibility. Start by exploring the parental leave and medical benefits available through your employer. Consider the impact of taking time off and the costs that follow the arrival of your child. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimated in 2017 that raising a child to age 17 costs $233,610 on average. FinFit’s planning resources can help you prepare for this rewarding commitment.

4. Navigating Life’s Unexpected Setbacks

Life is unpredictable, with hurdles like unemployment or unforeseen expenses occasionally blocking our path. Establishing an emergency fund and securing comprehensive insurance coverage are vital safety nets. FinFit’s budgeting tools can assist in integrating savings into your daily financial plan, ensuring you’re ready for whatever life throws your way.

5. Planning for Retirement

Though retirement might seem distant, early preparation is key, especially as life expectancies and, consequently, retirement durations increase. Even if retirement feels far off, starting to save and invest now can secure a comfortable future. FinFit provides guidance on retirement planning, helping you understand how to build a nest egg that will support you through your golden years.

While these milestones may initially seem overwhelming, FinFit equips you with the knowledge, strategies, and confidence to navigate your financial journey, making each step towards these life goals more attainable and less intimidating.

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