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5 tourist traps that could be costing you money 

Realizing that you’ve overpaid for something is never fun. So how do you avoid the tourist traps and get the most authentic experience on vacation while ensuring that every penny is well spent? 

Expensive transportation 

Though convenient, taxi and ride share costs can quickly add up. Walking is a great way to see a city, and these days smartphones make it easier than studying a map. Buying a bus or train pass usually make a lot of financial sense as well.  

Restaurants near major tourist sites 

They might offer a great view but these eateries are usually overpriced and full of other tourists, rather than savvy travelers and locals. Try to find a restaurant in a quiet street away from the main attractions or in a little square a few minutes’ walk away to get a similar but more reasonably priced experience. Do your research and check with your hotel or tour guide beforehand, or simply ask a local. 

Buying tickets at an attraction on the day 

Book ahead whenever possible. Tickets for the main tourist attractions are often cheaper when booked ahead and websites will frequently give the busiest times. 

Go to official city tourist authority websites and those run by the attraction itself. Obviously be very wary of buying from anyone outside the site, however official they look. 

Visiting the same things as everyone else 

Visit the less well-known attractions as these are often just as interesting, but less crowded and not as expensive, as well as having fewer people looking to make some quick cash from unwary tourists. They’ll also often give you more of a sense of the city or the region itself away from the international visitors. 

Going during peak season 

You may be limited to going during school holidays or have other commitments, but going on a trip in the low or “shoulder” season in order to avoid the busiest times will help to reduce your risk of exposure to the worst tourist traps. 

Visit a summer vacation destination in the autumn or the winter – although some attractions might be closed or have limited opening, the prices are often lower and you’ll miss the crowds. 

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