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We’re happy you’re here.

Because you matter. Your hopes, your dreams, and your goals matter. You deserve equal access to the resources, knowledge, and opportunities to realize those hopes and dreams and accomplish those goals. With FinFit, you gain access to financial wellness tools and services to build generational wealth for yourself and your family.

Who is FinFit?

We’re a financial resources provider available to you through your employee benefits package. We work to help increase your savings, help grow your credit, and partner with you on the journey toward financial freedom.

We Help Build Savings

Through the prevention of unnecessary late fees and payday loans, we can help save you money.

We Help Build Stability

With access to personalized loan offers and a large network of premium financial institutions to choose from, 401(k) withdrawals, and high-interest loans and lines of credit will be a thing of the past.

We Help Build Bridges

We’ll give you access to financial resources and walk the path to financial wellness with you, complete with guided prompts and push notifications so you never forget to take the next step.

Experience the Satisfaction of Financial Stability

81% of employees are now paying their bills on time with the help of FinFit
Paying Bills On Time 81%
80% of employees have less financial stress since utilizing FinFit
Decreased Financial Stress 80%
70% of employees increased their monthly savings with the help of FinFit
Increased Monthly Savings70%
61% of employees have not used a high cost credit provider since joining FinFit
Have Not Used High-Cost Credit Providers61%
2017 Survey commissioned by FinFit

Get started!

Find out which FinFit services your company offers and check to see if you’re eligible to apply.

Go ahead, check our references.
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    Real Feedback. Real Situations.

    “I like FinFit’s safety and privacy with my employer. When I need assistance, they’re easy to work with, advising you and offering you many services. FinFit has helped me with my financial focus.”
    Delisa D | FinFit Member
    “Great company, great staff and friendly service. They have been helping me for years.”
    Michael A | FinFit Member
    “FinFit has saved my life numerous times. The customer service is beyond excellent. They are very good to me, always there to help. I’m so appreciative of FinFit and that my job offers this benefit. Thank you.”
    Laura S | FinFit Member
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