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Savvy Savers use FinFit Financial Insights

FinFit Insights helps employees stay on top of day-to-day spending and develop better savings habits.
Insights provides employees with real-time, helpful tips and alerts based on their spending and saving habits, including:
  • Savings Opportunities
  • New Subscription alerts
  • Projected overdraft warnings
  • Deposits
  • Large transaction alerts
  • New fees detected
  • Spending/savings trends

Financial Insights

In conjunction with the Financial Dashboard, employees can manage reminders and communications connected to their budget and spending behaviors.

Interactive graphs offer in-depth visuals on like transaction details, summaries and trends.

Most transactions are interactive, allowing employees to recategorize them and set merchant budgets simply by selecting the transaction and going into its details.

Having access to Financial Insights is like having a real-time, digital financial coach in the employee’s pocket.

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