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Student Loan Services

The expansion of knowledge shouldn’t correlate with the expansion of debt. At FinFit, we believe higher education should be affordably accessible to all. Until then, we offer student loan repayment, refinance, and debt consolidation services to help your employees manage student loan debt, become financially stable, and put their education to use for your company.

Come see.

Student loan debt in the U.S. has surpassed $1.7 trillion.

Give your employees relief with personalized student loan solutions that empower your workforce to tackle student debt. With refinance and consolidation offers from multiple lenders, employees can bundle payments into one easy monthly transaction. Interest rates can vary based upon creditworthiness, with loan amounts up to $500,000.



Secure top talent.

Student loan repayment programs are a highly sought-after benefit for recent graduates considering employment options. Gain an edge over competitive recruiters and keep current employees more engaged, less stressed, and out of debt.

Find out more.