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Tag: employee loyalty

How does financial wellness increase productivity?

Employee financial wellness platforms are complex, but the formula for success is simple. It has a lot to do with emotion, practical solutions, and human nature. Start with human nature: most people respond positively to employers that are concerned about the well-being and financial wellness of their employees. Employees are looking to their employers to help them improve their financial situation. With a financial wellness program, employers can provide a desirable solution with little to...

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Why Do We Work?

Ask most people why they work, and you’ll hear, “For the money.” While that’s probably true on one level, ‘working’ is a complex activity that consumes most adult humans for a good part of their day, and their life. About one-third of workers are ‘actively engaged.’ Let’s start with the big picture. About 125.97 million Americans were working full-time in 2017. About 13 million adults of working age were unemployed. According to figures from the Gallup organization, about one-third of workers...

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