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Member Stories: Meet Candace L

Learn Login to MyFinFit FinFit Learn  |  Inside My Wallet: Member Stories Member Stories: Meet Candace L Before FinFit, Candace navigated the overwhelming financial burden of car payments, credit card debt, and student loans—all while balancing the demands of family life. Thanks to her employer’s partnership with FinFit, she seized the opportunity to access our resources, leading to remarkable results. With determination and our support, Candace...

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Member Stories: Meet Marlena M

Learn Login to MyFinFit FinFit Learn  |  Inside My Wallet: Member Stories Member Stories: Meet Marlena M Meet Marlena, a remarkable FinFit member who embodies resilience and determination. Her heartfelt testimonial reflects the profound impact of financial freedom on her life. In a world filled with uncertainties like emergencies and growing inflation, Marlena found support through FinFit. Our platform empowered her with the tools and resources to navigate...

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Member Stories: Meet Rob C

Learn Login to MyFinFit FinFit Learn  |  Inside My Wallet: Member Stories Member Stories: Meet Rob C Meet Rob, a dedicated FinFit member who found peace of mind and financial stability through FinFit’s platform. By minimizing his financial stress, Rob was able to prioritize what truly matters—his education, family, and personal goals. With FinFit’s helpful newsletters guiding him along the way, Rob not only grew his savings but doubled the money...

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The Debt Consolidation Guide

Learn Login to MyFinFit FinFit Learn  |  Credit & Borrowing The Debt Consolidation Guide At FinFit we’re driven by our mission to help employees live financially happier and healthier lives. We do this by providing products and services that help employees across the US move out of debt and into savings, and also learn more about their finances. We recognize that many people will be worried about their money, potentially now more than ever. This may...

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Good habits that take you from being a borrower to a saver

Learn Login to MyFinFit FinFit Learn  |  Saving, Investing & Retirement Good habits that take you from being a borrower to a saver Relax. This is not an article that will suggest that drastically cutting your spending is the only path to saving more. Constantly saying ‘no’ to yourself may work for a few weeks or months, but eventually you get frustrated and give up. That’s not being weak, that’s being human! Even worse,...

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Different types of money stress and how to reduce it

Learn Login to MyFinFit FinFit Learn  |  Spending & Budgeting Different types of money stress and how to reduce it It’s hard to fix a problem without knowing what the cause is. There are many ways money can cause stress, but they often fall into three categories: A) Stress about not having enough to cover today Not being able to pay your bills on time Feeling overwhelmed by debt B) Stress about not being prepared for the future Worry about...

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How to avoid the minimum repayment trap

Learn Login to MyFinFit FinFit Learn  | Credit & Borrowing How to avoid the minimum repayment trap Carrying a large credit card balance is nobody’s idea of fun. With interest rates (APR) hovering at 20% – and often higher for subprime borrowers – maintaining a credit card balance can add up to thousands of dollars in interest over time. The good news is that you can save yourself lots of time and money by learning one key move that will help you...

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How to guard against lifestyle creep

Learn Login to MyFinFit FinFit Learn  |  Spending & Budgeting How to guard against lifestyle creep ‘Lifestyle creep’ describes the tendency we all have to spend more as we earn more. Of course, a level of lifestyle inflation is inevitable and quite natural – most of us don’t live as frugally as we did when we were students, or starting out in our first job. But if unchecked this can create the unwelcome situation where although we earn...

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How to make your work bonus work hard

Learn Login to MyFinFit FinFit Learn  |  Spending & Budgeting How to make your work bonus work hard You’ve worked hard for your bonus, now let’s let it work hard for you! Below we look at a handful of options for spending or saving your hard earned money… Chip away at debt It might not give you the same feeling as spending it on something nice, but using some or all of your bonus to clear a chunk of debt might make it go further...

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