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Tag: productivity

How does financial wellness increase productivity?

Employee financial wellness platforms are complex, but the formula for success is simple. It has a lot to do with emotion, practical solutions, and human nature. Start with human nature: most people respond positively to employers that are concerned about the well-being and financial wellness of their employees. Employees are looking to their employers to help them improve their financial situation. With a financial wellness program, employers can provide a desirable solution with little to...

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Why Do We Work?

Ask most people why they work, and you’ll hear, “For the money.” While that’s probably true on one level, ‘working’ is a complex activity that consumes most adult humans for a good part of their day, and their life. About one-third of workers are ‘actively engaged.’ Let’s start with the big picture. About 125.97 million Americans were working full-time in 2017. About 13 million adults of working age were unemployed. According to figures from the Gallup organization, about one-third of workers...

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Suck It Up Buttercup – The History of How We Got Here

Three out of four American workers don’t have $1,000 available for a financial emergency. And until the past decade, most employers didn’t see the lost productivity – and lost profits – that resulted. Employers seemed to be saying “Employees have to make their own decisions on what they do with their money; it’s their problem, not mine.” That mindset is swiftly changing says David Kilby in his innovative book, The New Productivity Engine. “it’s the employees’ problem,” he agrees, “That...

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The Emergence of the Culturally Conscious Employer

The cultural shift in employer attitudes towards employees Used to be, in the ‘bad old days,’ that employers controlled their employees. Workers lived in company housing, shopped in the company store, and their children attended the company school – where they were trained to work for the company at a young age. The cycle created social and labor abuses. Many workers suffered, and many employers got rich. But eventually, times changed, and the culture shifted the opposite way. Employers took a...

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